Remove The Guesswork From Fitness and Find out Your EXACT BODY COMPOSITION With Our 10 Minute DXA Scan!

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Looking to start a health or fitness journey, BUT... don't know where to begin?

Our 10 minute DEXA scan will take out all of the guesswork and procrastination you're probably going through. How...

  • Find out exactly how much fat & muscle is on your body🥩

The DEXA scan looks beyond weight and BMI to show you your exact lean mass and fat mass using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry technology.

  • Discover the precise areas where you store this fat & muscle🔍

The DEXA scan calculates the total lean mass and fat mass in each area of your body; right arm, left arm, trunk, abdomen, hips, left leg, right leg.

  • Understand how fast or slow your metabolism is🔥

The DEXA allows us to work out the exact amount of calories your body needs on a daily basis to either lose weight or gain weight. This allows you to build the most accurate nutrition plan suited to your goal and lifestyle.

  • Detect how much visceral fat you have👀

This is the dangerous type of fat that surrounds your organs and cannot be seen by the naked eye. High levels of visceral fat are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.

  • Every measurement you need to start a fitness journey or breakthrough a plateau📈

If your goal is to lose fat, wouldn't it be helpful to know how much fat you actually have and where you store it? The same goes for building muscle, how do you know if you're actually building muscle? (Hint - the DEXA will tell you!)

  • The gold standard test for body composition🥇

The DEXA scan is widely regarded as being the most proven and reliable technologies for measuring body composition.
  • Non-invasive & safe✅

DEXA scans do subject you to small amounts of radiation. To put the dose and the risk in perspective, it is equivalent to eating 50 grams of Brazil nuts.

What happens after my scan?

Your consultant will sit down with you to walk you through your results, ensuring you fully understand them. They'll answer any questions you have, clarify your current status and guide you on what to focus on to reach your goal.

  • Get all your questions answered❓

  • Actually understand the science behind your body👩‍🔬

  • Know exactly where you are and what you need to work on to reach your goal🎯

  • compare progress to previous or future scans/tests📈

What our customers are saying about us


"Just had a scan with Eoin. Very knowledgeable and very well explained. Really interesting to see where your body is at and what u can do to improve it and become more healthy. Thanks Eoin."



Eoin explained the procedure in detail before the scan and went through the results in great detail afterwards. He definitely gave me a good benchmark for progress and I will be back in a couple of months to see how my lifestyle changes have impacted my body. This is such a great indicator for anybody who wants to understand their body mass and improve where necessary.



Bodyscan Ireland offers a great service, Eoin is so knowledgeable and explains everything so well. This is really good info to have for a multitude of reasons, for me it was to see where I was in relation to training for body fat and muscle mass, but it was also great to get an idea of bone density. With all this info I'm much more informed about where I stand and what I need to work on. Great work Eoin!


Where In Limerick Are You Located?

We're located inside FIT 100 gym on Ballysimon Rd, Monaclinoe, Limerick, V94 F6WN, Ireland

Monoclinoe Business Park, Ballysimon Rd, Monaclinoe, Limerick, V94 F6WN, Ireland


What Does A DEXA Scan Show?

A DEXA scan is the most accurate method of measuring body fat percentage. It will provide a reading of your precise fat mass, lean mass and % body fat for each area of your body. It will estimate the amount of visceral fat, which is the fat around your organs and is associated with inflammation, cardiovascular disease & diabetes. It will also give you a bone density reading. This is not clinical, however it can be a good indication of whether or not you are close to osteoporosis or in a healthy range.

FAQ image

How Is The Scan Conducted?

The technician will measure your height and weight and then assist with positioning you on the DEXA scanning table. A strap is placed around your ankles to help you to stay still. You are required to lie still for 7-11 minutes while the examination takes place, during which time the scanner arm will pass above you. The scan is done on an open bed and is not a claustrophobic environment like an MRI or CT scan. The technician is in the room with you at all times.

What Should I Wear?

Wear a single layer of light clothing without any metal (zips or buttons or wired bras). Gym clothes (shorts & t-shirt) are usually perfect. Remove any jewellery or piercings, if possible.

What Is The Minimum Age To Have A Scan?

The minimum age we can scan is 18 years old.

When Should I eat?

Do not eat for 4 hours before your scan. If your appointment is early morning - fast from 11pm the night before (Do not consume breakfast).

How Much Water Should I Drink?

Be well hydrated during the 2 days before your scan. Drink 500ml of water 1 hour before your scan. Empty your bladder 10 minutes before your scan and defecate if required.

What About Exercise?

Do not take part in organised training or an exercise session of more than 20 minutes in the 12 hours before your scan.

What If I'm Pregnant?

You cannot have a scan if you are pregnant or if possibility of being pregnant. The10-day rule will be applied ie. you can only be scanned within 10 days of the first day of your last period.

Can I Have A DEXA Scan With A Pacemaker Or Metal Implants?

If you have any implants of any material or a Pacemaker, again, don’t worry, the scan can go ahead as normal. Metal implants will show up as dense bone on your Bodyscan report but they will not affect the fat and lean data.

There is no risk to the operation of your Pacemaker. Metal implants/piercings will show up as dense bone on your Bodyscan report but they will not affect the fat and lean data. There is no risk to the structure of operation of your implant.

If you have any implants (like a hip or knee replacement) of any material or jewellery or piercings you cannot remove, or a Pacemaker or Cochlear ear implant, don’t worry, the scan can go ahead as normal.

The DEXA is a very-low-dose X-ray, and X-rays either pass through objects or they do not. We do ask that you remove as much jewellery as possible, as we want to measure you, not what you’re wearing!

Are DEXA Scans Safe?

Yes, you will be exposed to a very small dose, equivalent to approximately one day’s normal background radiation.

Do I need A GP Referral?

You do not need a GP referral to have a DEXA scan with us.

Bodyscan Ireland 2023